Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Brain Food #13: No Snappy Title - Just Good Info

I usually try to lead off Brain Food posts with a philosophical rant on training or some amusing anecdote making fun of the people that work out in the lame-o fitness gym I belong to but I just don't have the energy for it today. The combination of keeping things humming at the biz and my tough mudder training has sapped my snarq of late unfortunately. I promise to get back on track and find something or someone to comment on for the next one. Until then - there is lots of good info below. Get your feast on!

Don't Eat Before You Exercise To Burn Fat!

This is an interesting blog post from Jonny Bowden that touches on an age old debate...fasted exercise.

Do You Tone?

A great blog post from Mike Boyle discussing the problem with "toning" - simply must be read to appreciate!

Restaurant Meal Tips

A comprehensive list of Do's and Don't when eating at restaurants by Vince Del Monte. I'm not really familiar with his work but it's legit info. Compliments to Eric Cressey for finding it for me.

Magnesium Deficiency - An Unknown Epidemic?

This blog post from Charles Poliquin discusses this problem and provides quite a list of problems associated with low magnesium levels. It is long but I think you will be surprised at how "sneaky" important magnesium is in the body. I supplement with magnesium and recommend you try it - especially for sleep problems.

USDA Standards - Joke or The Truth?

I posted a Jonny Bowden mini-rant on the new USDA dietary guidelines and how they still fall well short of teaching Americans how to eat healthy. Well I hate to pile onto a government agency (OK total sarcasm!) but here is another article on the topic from Mark Bittman, a NY Times opinion editor. His motto - "Eat Real Food". Check it out here.

Do You Want "Fast" Feet or "Powerful" Feet To Be Fast?

This is a great post from Joe DeFranco that breaks down a running debate concerning acceleration technique. His argument states that athletes accelerate more effectively with fewer, more powerful strides as opposed to shorter, faster (and therefore more numerous) strides over the same distance (usually 10 yds). Essentially, the athlete with "fast" feet may look faster but the athlete with "powerful" feet might actually be faster in shorter distances. I have seen this phenomenon countless times and that's why we teach the "power" technique at Fury Performance.

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